
Three Pieces of Marketing Collateral Your Funeral Home Should Be Using

More than 70 percent of marketers say that content has increased leads and engagement for their businesses. If your funeral home is pouring effort into content marketing and not seeing results, it might be that you’re not creating the right type of content.

Many people hear content marketing and think blog posts and articles. And those formats can be very powerful for SEO and conversions—there’s a reason we publish at least one blog post per week at Ring Ring Marketing, for example.

But these aren’t your only options for content, and in a complex industry such as deathcare, you might find that long-form marketing collateral is more powerful than blog posts at creating authority and persuading people to contact you for preplanning or at-need services.

What is marketing collateral?
Marketing collateral is print or digital media you use to promote your firm’s message. It can include brochures, ebooks, white papers, printable downloads, and even your website.

Three pieces of funeral home marketing collateral to consider
A website is a must so people can find you online, but here are some other marketing materials you might want to create for your funeral home—and why.

  1. Downloadable checklists. Exchange free downloads for email addresses so you can send further marketing messages to potential clientele. These types of downloads are easy to create: Simply write lists of things you know someone needs to do to accomplish something—such as planning a memorial or preplanning cremation.
  2. Free ebooks. Short ebooks are also something people will exchange their emails for, and they are ideal for positioning your firm as an expert in the space. Provide advice, education, and definitions about topics related to the industry, such as veterans’ benefits, planning memorials, how to scatter ashes legally, or preplanning final arrangements. Just make sure you give enough information that people see you as a helpful authority but not so much that they don’t need to call on you for assistance.
  3. Infographics. Infographics let you provide information in bite-sized, visual chunks that are easy to digest. They also encourage people to share or link to them, which means you score potential authority points with one consumer while expanding your reach to more potential clientele.

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