
Three Tips to Get Ahead with Funeral Home Online Ads in 2019

Did you rock PPC advertising in 2018, or is there a lot of room for improvement in your funeral home marketing strategy?

Paid advertising is one of the fastest ways to high levels of online exposure, but knowing how to make the most of your ad budget helps you drive revenue for your death care company. The following online ad trends for 2019 are important to understand regardless of your current marketing performance:

Audience Targeting Trumps Keywords

Keywords aren’t going away in 2019, although some experts forecast an eventual weakening over time for this still-critical online ad element. However, keywords are taking a backseat (or at least a passenger seat) to a new driver: audience.

Google and other ad platforms let you leverage automation and analytics to deliver ads to increasingly targeted audiences. Understanding your target audience and how to design ad campaigns to reach it is more important to long-term ad success than getting the keywords perfect.

Diversification Is Critical

Google is still a giant in the space, and most businesses will continue to experience results from both search ads and marketing conducted through Google’s display network. But diversifying where your ads are placed in 2019 will help you reach new segments of your market.

Death care companies might consider:

  • Bing, which is currently testing new local ad functions
  • Facebook, which has millions of users of all ages, including boomers and older Gen Xers (the target market for preplanning services)
  • Pinterest, which lets you integrate visual and educational elements into ads

Content Still Wears the Crown

Even if you stick with basic Google text ads for funeral home marketing, remember that content is what converts. Google’s expanded search ad formats, which offer a third headline and second description, let you integrate more content for additional clarity or persuasive language.

If you’re launching display or social media ads in 2019, cater to consumer desire for authenticity by combining text, images, and video to create narrative ads about your business and services.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel with your marketing strategy once the calendar flips, especially if you’ve been successful this year. But understanding tips and trends for 2019 helps you create high-performing death care marketing campaigns that bring new clientele your way.

(Note: Ready to supercharge the leads you get from the internet and convert them into real-life clientele? In his free webinar, marketing expert Welton Hong delivers practical techniques you can employ todayClick here to register!)

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