
DIY or Professional Funeral Home Online Marketing: Decide With Help From Our Checklist

Do you pay someone else to handle your funeral home online marketing or do it all yourself? It’s an important consideration, and making the right choice can help set you up for success in the future.

Consider the questions in our checklist to make the decision for your firm:

Resources: Are You Shorter on Time or Money?
You know what they say about free lunches, and even DIY funeral home marketing will cost you something. Usually, the biggest cost for DIY efforts is your time. If you’re already filling everyone’s day with deathcare business, ask yourself: Does anyone on your staff really have time to take on another task?

Room for Error: Can You Afford to Make Mistakes?
Even if you have some extra time and want to avoid spending too much on marketing, ask yourself whether you can afford the costs associated with what might be a learning curve. If your marketing budget is small, sometimes a professional is best positioned to make the most of it.

Knowledge: Do You Keep Up With Evolving Trends?
Online marketing evolves at a rapid pace. What worked last year—or even last month—might not work today. And what works for one business might not be the answer for yours.

Success often requires building funeral home marketing campaigns on a complex foundation of best practices, years of knowledge, and agile ability to integrate today’s trends.

Ultimately, what’s right for your business when it comes to funeral home online marketing is a decision only you can make. But before you default to DIY, consider the true overall cost and the benefits a professional marketing firm can offer.

And remember: You can partner with a marketing firm to handle some marketing tasks while DIYing others, so you never have to opt for a one-size-fits-all solution.

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